Support the mission of our Province

More than ever, your support is essential to our mission of serving the Gospel.
First and foremost, it enables us to support the formation of the young brothers who join us.
It also helps finance apostolic activities.
Donations for our missions in Canada
If you would like to respond to the appeal of the friars of the Province of Canada, you can send your donation by bank or postal cheque payable to “Dominicans of Canada”, to the following address:
St-Dominic Province of Canada
Syndic provincial
2715, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1B6
Telephone: (514) 341-2244
Fax: (514) 341-3233
(Let us know if you would like a tax receipt)
Donations for our mission in Rwanda and Burundi
In addition to our commitments in Canada, we are also responsible for a vicariate in Rwanda and Burundi.
The Dominican missions
2715, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1B6
Telephone: (514) 341-9986
Fax: (514) 341-3233
The brothers celebrate mass daily in their church and offer your prayers.
If you would like a mass to be celebrated, you can mail your intention and enclose a donation ($15 suggested by the Bishops’ Conference of Canada) in the form of a cheque made out to “Dominicans of Canada”.
It’s a simple, practical way to support our apostolate.
St-Dominic Province of Canada
Syndic provincial
2715, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1B6
Donations for our missions in Canada
To find out more, please contact us by e-mail.
Write to us by e-mailThe Dominican Province of Canada is entitled to receive legacies.
If you would like further information on how to draw up a will in his favour, please contact Brother André Descôteaux at the following address:
St-Dominic Province of Canada
Syndic provincial
2715, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1B6
Telephone: (514) 341-2244
Fax: (514) 341-3233