What are our brothers doing
“Vocation represents the story of a deep desire, an inner quest. Our presence here stems from Love’s hold on our lives.”
What do the brothers do?
Here are the occupations of some of our brothers.

Fr. Dieudonné Bigirimana, o.p.
Parish ministry, preaching, student master

Fr. Jose Apolinário Kahombo
Provincial vocations promoter, pastor at a Portuguese parish

Fr. Hervé Tremblay, o.p.
Prior of the Toronto convent, professor of the Old Testament

Fr. Simon Lessard, o.p.
Student brother; responsible for partnerships at Magazine Le Verbe

Fr. Martin Lavoie, o.p.
Prior of the Quebec convent and Pastor at Espace Saint-Dominique

Fr. Antonio-Ryo Sato, o.p.
Parish ministry; Ministry to Catholics with Disabilities of Japan; teacher at Sophia University

Fr. François Pouliot, o.p.
Physician, student master and animator at Espace Saint-Dominique (Québec)

Fr. David Bellusci, o.p.
Professor of theology and philosophy at Catholic Pacific College (Vancouver)

Fr. Thomas de Gabory, o.p.
Palliative care physician and professor of theology at the CDEVS

Fr. Gustave Nsengiyumva, o.p.
Preaching and reconciliation ministry at Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal

Fr. Raymond Latour
Socius of the prior provincial and pastor of the St. Albert Community (Montreal)

Fr. Peace-Michael Mushimiyimana
University pastoral ministry at the CÉDUM and regional vocations promoter (Montreal)

Fr. Darren Dias, o.p.
Executive Director of the Toronto School of Theology; promoter for Justice, Peace and Ecology

Fr. Michel Grenier, o.p.
Parish ministry and youth ministry (Quebec)

Fr. Prakash Lohale, o.p.
Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs for the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Novice Master

Bro. Guy Rivard, o.p.
Pastor and prior of Saint-Jean-Baptiste convent (Ottawa)

Fr. Gustave Noël Ineza, o.p.
Doctoral student in Islamology and parish ministry (Toronto)

Fr. Lamphone Phonevilay, o.p.
Regional vocations promoter (Quebec) and National Promotor for the Rosary

Fr. Mathieu Vézina, o.p.
Brother cooperator, webmaster and regional vocations promoter (Toronto)

Fr. Gilles Simard, o.p.
Superior of St. Mary's Convent, Vancouver . Assistant pastor

Fr. Ghislain Paris, o.p.
Provincial promoter of continuing education; director for Montagne de l'Horeb Center

Fr. Daniel Cardin, o.p.
Dominican family promoter and theologian (Montreal)

Fr. Yves Bériault, o.p.
Prior Provincial

Fr. Mark Hoo, o.p.
Parish ministry at St. Mary's Parish (Vancouver)
Fulfilling your potential
The adventure of being a Dominican friar, even after more than 800 years of history, remains exciting.
It has the power to attract young people to engage with the Gospel and proclaim it with their lives.
If you believe that God is calling you to build his Kingdom alongside other brothers, in shared lives and missions, within a fraternity of brothers committed by faith in God, passion for the Gospel, and desire for a better world.
If you believe that Saint Dominic’s proposal is right for you, wherever God is calling you, we’re here to help.