Priestly fraternities
Priestly fraternities
The origins of Dominican fraternities can be traced back to the Dominican Third Secular Order, which subsequently included both priests and laity among its members.
With the cessation of terminological references to First, Second and Third Orders in the Dominican Order in 1968, there was the creation of separate Rules for laymen and priests, and their respective constitutions as distinct fraternities.
Now the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic exist as separate associations of the laity, with their own rule to follow, while continuing to be guided by the Order in following the spirituality of St. Dominic in the unique milieu of diocesan priests.
Alongside the particular grace of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which enables priests to serve their own ministry, they receive new spiritual support through profession, which makes them members of the Dominican family and enables them to share in the grace and mission of the Order for the benefit of the local and universal Church.
However, while the Order provides them with these spiritual aids and leads them along the path of their sanctification, it leaves them free to serve the local Church, under the jurisdiction of their Bishop.
The creation of priestly fraternities in Canada is still at an embryonic stage, but a few fraternities are already underway.