Our preaching mission in Canada
Traditionally, preaching, teaching and spiritual guidance have always been central to the ministry of the Order Preachers. Today, this ministry extends to parish and university ministry, the commitment to justice and peace, publishing, mass media, the Internet and the arts. Our brothers are involved in all of these areas because of their concern with the proclamation of the God news of Jesus-Christ.
Retreats and Conferences
A team of brothers in our province is available to give retreats or conferences, either in French or English, in Canada or abroad.
To use our services, please write to us and tell us about your needs.
Dominican University College of Philosophy and Theology
The Dominicans of our Province opened a College in Ottawa in 1909. At first, it was exclusively for the formation of religious friars. It has since become an institution opened to all, laity, seminarians and religious, and it offers programs up to the doctorate in the fields of theology and philosophy.
Since 1994, the College offers programs of study in French and English. In 2005, the institution was renamed Dominican University College. From 1909 to 1960, many thinkers have given courses and lectures at the College, like Father Chenu and philosophers Jacques Maritain and Étienne Gilson.
The College also offers a Curriculum of studies in pastoral formation which are offered at the Pastoral Institute of Montreal. The formation at the Institute is given only in French.
Dominican Pastoral Institute of Montréal
The training offered at the Pastoral Institute is the critical integration of spiritual experience, analysis of current issues experienced by the Church and the development of specific skills in pastoral intervention. Great emphasis is given during formation to the contribution and questions of the social sciences.
Designed with flexibility, the great range of academic activities is regularly adjusted to meet the challenges of new needs in Christian life and pastoral practices.
Fr. Maxime Allard, o.p.
Professeur in modern philosophy and hermeneutics. He is also President of our Dominican College in Ottawa
The Dominican Institute of Toronto
The Dominican Institute is an initiative of our brothers of Toronto and under the direction of Fr. Darren Dias who teaches theology at St. Michael’s College in Toronto. The Institute will be specializing in formation in Liturgy.
Fr. Darren Dias, O.P.
Professor in theology at St. Michael’s College in Toronto